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Question Types
How to Edit Question Types on LimeSurvey 1. After adding a question, Refer to this Add and Edit a Question. 2. On the page where you add a new question, you'll see a field called Question type 3. Your first question type will be a Long free text by ...
How to Ensure Your LimeSurvey Email Invitations Avoid the Spam Folder
How to Ensure Your LimeSurvey Email Invitations Avoid the Spam Folder Introduction Sending out survey invitations via email is a critical part of gathering data. A challenges you might face is ensuring that the participants you invite reach your ...
How to cite LimeSurvey
Citing the tools and software you used in your research is essential for the reproducibility and credibility of your work. Here’s how you might go about citing LimeSurvey in different citation styles in the text and references sections of your ...
LimeSurvey 6
To give you an overview and basic understanding of LimeSurvey 6, our latest and most advanced version yet, please check out this article. You can also refer to our newly written blog post on LimeSurvey 6 where you will find all of this information in ...
Latest LimeSurvey version
LimeSurvey is a dynamic and continuously evolving software product, so it's only natural that our latest version undergoes regular updates and enhancements to provide you with the best survey experience possible, so the latest version will always ...