


The Array question type further extends the List question type. Using this question type, a matrix can be displayed where the left column is represented by a sub-question, while each row is represented by the same set of answer options. The text of the question can be either a specific question or a description.

In terms of output there is no difference in how responses are stored compared to List (Radio) question type. The given answer is stored in a separate column in the result table for both question types.

The most flexible array types are Array, Array (Text) and Array (Numbers)'. However, LimeSurvey also supports a number of array types which have predefined answer options (e.g., Array 5 point choice).

The following are the Array question types:
  1. Array
  2. Array (5 Point Ch​​​​oice)
  3. Array (10 Point​​​​ Choice)
  4. Array (Increase/Same/Dec​​​​rease)
  5. Arra​​​​y (Numbers)
  6. Array (T​​​​exts)
  7. Array (Yes/No/​​​​Uncertain)
  8. Array ​​​​by Column
  9. Array Dual Scale

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