


ComfortUpdate is a professional service from LimeSurvey GmbH to update LimeSurvey easily from your web browser with just a few mouse clicks (instead of having to perform a manual update).

To use and test ComfortUpdate, you have to sign up on LimeSurvey to receive a free trial key. After that trial key has expired you can either buy one of our premium packages or update your installation manually.


Your PHP installation must be compiled with support for ZLib. Check your PHPInfo or ask your system administrator for a confirmation.

Your server must be able to connect by SSL to and to use the ComfortUpdate tool. If you have problems with this and get error messages such as 10060 could not connect to the host '', you will have to tweak/edit your proxy/firewall security settings or ask your server administrator for further guidance/help.

Using ComfortUpdate

The LimeSurvey ComfortUpdate feature is safe to use even with active surveys. It does not delete or destroy any existing data.  However, out of precaution, you should backup your current database and files manually before proceeding

  • For more recent LimeSurvey versions, you will find the ComfortUpdate button under Configuration the Advanced tab.

You can also log in to your LimeSurvey account and find the ComfortUpdate section at the bottom of the Your Accounts page.

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