Updated Question Types
- We've refreshed all our question types according to the latest design. From basic yes/no inquiries to intricate arrays, each question now offers an engaging experience for participants.
User Interface Enhancements
- Action Buttons: These are now conveniently located on the far right side of tables. Simply click on the action button to explore the next best actions.
- Survey Settings & Menu: We've refined the design, ensuring that your survey creation and management process is sleek and user-friendly.
- Streamlined Activation & Stop: Activating your survey has become more straightforward, while stopping a survey provides enhanced guidance.
Language Support
LimeSurvey 6 supports 40+ languages! This means:
- Global Reach: Your surveys can now cater to a vast international audience.
- Improved Response Rates: Native language surveys tend to see higher participation.
- Quality Responses: Expect more accurate and detailed responses from participants answering in their native language.
- Cultural Inclusivity: Showcase your appreciation for diverse cultures by offering surveys in multiple languages.
Other updates
- Right-to-left Orientation: We've ensured that right-to-left language users have a seamless experience.
- Bug Fixes: We've squashed a zillion bugs to enhance the platform's stability.