Backup Entire Database

Backup Entire Database


If you would like to upgrade your LimeSurvey installation or transfer it to another location/server, we highly recommend that you back up all your data (questions, participants, responses, etc.). You can use the Backup entire database function for this purpose.

After you click Backup entire database, a window will be displayed, asking you where you would like to save the .sql database backup.

This backup is recommended when you wish to:

  1. transfer your LimeSurvey application to another server;
  2. upgrade your LimeSurvey application (non-ComfortUpdate solution).
Help.png Note: If you use the ComfortUpdate functionality, a database backup is automatically created in the /tmp folder.

This option is also used when changes on different settings (e.g. in the code) are done. In this way, you secure your data in case there are issues with the application.

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