Overview - STRUCTURE

Overview - STRUCTURE

Overview - STRUCTURE

When you access a survey, the Survey settings menu is selected by default. To access the survey structure, click the Structure tab (next to the Settings tab).

Clicking the Structure tab will display:
  1. the structure of your survey
  2. question groups
  3. questions
  4. edit question/question group buttons
  5. reorder questions/question groups functionality

1. The structure of a survey

A survey consists of questions and question groups that represent the backbone of a survey. Besides questions and question groups, a survey may also contain:
  • the main and additional survey languages
  • question attributes
  • answers
  • sub-questions
  • default answers
  • assessments
  • quotas
  • quota members
  • quota language settings
  • survey users and their permissions
  • survey-specific settings

From the Survey Structure menu, you can add question groups and questions. You can also reorder question groups and questions.

Note: Groups are a great way to organize your surveys by placing them into categories.  

2. Question groups

Before you add questions to a survey, you need to create at least one question group. Then, all your new questions will be added to this question group.

To find out more about question groups, read our Add a group section.

3. Questions

Once you create a question group, you can start adding questions. To see the different question types that you can use in a survey, refer to the Question types articles.

4. Edit a question or question group

a. Edit question (click the question to be edited)

b. Edit question group (click the question group to be edited)

5. Reordering questions and question groups

You can change the order of your questions and question groups, or move questions from one group to another. To start reordering, click and drag the hamburger icon next to the question/question group and move it to the desired position.

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