Deactivate Survey

Deactivate Survey

Deactivating a survey

To stop a survey, you can either "expire" or "deactivate" it.

Important.png  Attention: We strongly recommend using the expiry option to stop (end) a survey. The reasons are stated below.


      1. Click Stop this survey on the top toolbar:

      2. Click Deactivate survey:

Why we recommend expiry (vs deactivation)

When a survey is deactivated:
  • All results are lost (you cannot access them via the LimeSurvey user interface).
  • All participant information is lost.
  • The deactivated survey is not accessible to the participants (a message will be displayed stating that the survey is no long accessible).
  • All questions, groups, and parameters can still be edited.
  • We recommend that you export your responses before using this option.

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