Overview - Main Navigation

Overview - Main Navigation

LimeSurvey admin interface

The nine tabs and sets of containers on the LimeSurvey Admin Interface contain functionality that allows you to create and list surveys, find help, configure and change your personal and application settings, view  important system notifications and administrate your application.
  1. Create survey
  2. Surveys
  3. Help
  4. Configuration
  5. Response balance
  6. Storage used
  7. Notifications
  8. Admin
  9. Upgrade Plan
  10. Dashboard views
  11. Shortcut boxes
  12. Create survey group

1. Create survey

There are three options to Create a survey (all labeled as "1."  in the above diagram). Selecting any of these will direct you to the Create a New Survey page.
Here is where you begin the process of creating a survey.

2. Surveys

Clicking on Surveys will show you a list of all your previously created surveys. You can filter them by status: active, running, inactive, expired, or not started—as well as by the group they belong to. 

3. Help
Here you will find links to the LimeSurvey Help Center, Quick Start Guide and FAQs.

4. Configuration

The  Configuration  tab contains:
1. More advanced LimeSurvey features,
2. Functionality for configuring your user settings and
3. Functionality for configuring basic LimeSurvey application settings.

5 . Responses

The responses icon helps you keep track of response balance.

6 . Storage

The storage icon helps you keep track of storage usage. 

7. Notifications 

Click the a bell icon to view system notifications.


8. Admin

Click the Admin shortcut to make changes to your profile, personal settings, personal menus, personal menu entries, and to logout. You can also manage membership and billing from here and easily switch editors.

9. Upgrade Plan  

The "Upgrade" button allows you to easily upgrade your plan, enhancing your survey creation experience.

10. Dashboard Views  

Explore the new dashboard experience with customizable list and card views, providing a seamless and organized way to visualize and manage you surveys.

List View

Card View

11. Shortcut Boxes

There are also shortcut icons on the LimeSurvey dashboard to help you manage Global settings, Themes, Administrators and Plugins

The dashboard shortcut displays the homepage when logged in to your survey site account.

The global settings shortcut allows you to modify LimeSurvey settings globally.
Here you can manage global setting, 

Note: Do not confuse this with the General survey settings

The themes shortcut leads to the Themes page that allows you to customize survey, admin, and question themes.
Read more about Themes.

Then we have a shortcut to manage administrators that lets you effortlessly assign additional administrative users in LimeSurvey.

To access the current available plugins that come with your LimeSurvey installation, use the Plugins shortcut below. 
Read more about the Plugin Manager

12. Create survey group  

This allows an administration user to create a survey group. By default the user is the owner of the group. The owner has all permissions for the groups he owns.
once the create a survey group option is clicked, the page below appears.

Note : Your account comes with The Default Surveys group (the surveys group with ID 1)

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